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Online Ordering

You can order online! Browse our menu items and choose what you’d like to order from us.

Accepting Orders

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Min. order - RM 0.00

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Pickup time: up to 30 minutes

Pickup Address: 500 Terry Francine Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94158



Crispy fried calamari served with a tangy lemon aioli sauce.


RM 12.00

Golden Calamari

Image of Golden Calamari


Savory chicken satay skewers marinated in a blend of spices, served with peanut sauce.


RM 10.00

Satay Skewers

Image of Satay Skewers


Fresh garden salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and balsamic vinaigrette.


RM 8.00

Green Garden Salad

Image of Green Garden Salad

Main Courses


Juicy grilled sirloin steak served with garlic butter, mashed potatoes, and seasonal vegetables.


RM 20.00

Garlic Sirloin Steak

Image of Garlic Sirloin Steak


Creamy seafood linguine pasta with prawns, mussels, and clams in a white wine sauce.


RM 18.00

Seafood Linguine

Image of Seafood Linguine


Tender grilled chicken chop topped with mushroom sauce, served with buttered corn and coleslaw.


RM 16.00

Chicken Chop Special

Image of Chicken Chop Special

Sweet Treats


Decadent chocolate lava cake with a molten center, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


RM 9.00

Lava Cake Delight

Image of Lava Cake Delight


Refreshing mango sorbet topped with fresh berries and a drizzle of honey.


RM 7.00

Mango Berry Sorbet

Image of Mango Berry Sorbet


Classic New York cheesecake with a graham cracker crust and raspberry coulis.


RM 8.00

NY Cheesecake

Image of NY Cheesecake

Diverse Menu

Orders from this menu can next be made for the 25th of December at 9:00AM.

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